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Corporation Combined Affidavit-Use And Incontestability


Mark [Mark]

Registration Number [Registration Number]

Class Number [Class Number]


State of [State of notary public]
County of [County of notary public]

[Name of corporate officer], being duly sworn, states that:

1. [He or She] is the Secretary of [Name of corporation], a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of [State of corporation], located and doing business at [address of corporation];

2. [He or She] believes that such corporation is the owner of Registration Number [Registration Number];

3. The mark described therein has been in continuous use in interstate commerce from [date of first use in interstate commerce] to date, in connection with the following goods specified in the registration, namely, [Name of goods];

4. The mark is still in use in interstate commerce on or in connection with the goods specified in the registration;

5. The mark is used by [printing of the mark on the goods], and the attached specimen shows the mark as actually and currently used on or in connection with the goods;

6. There has been no final decision adverse to the registrants claim of ownership of such mark for such goods or its right to register the same or keep the same on the register, and there is no proceeding involving such right pending in the United States Patent and Trademark Office or in a court and not finally disposed of.

Name of corporation [Name of corporation]

Signature and title